do you fear death?if so,do you fear it because of the pain that is likely to go along with it?or because of what will become of your soul(your self)after death?.
curiosly,i find that i no longer fear death.not that i want to die-i don't.but i wonder if this how i should feel.. i don't like pain,but i have a fairly high threshold of pain,i think.i'm sure there is much greater pain than what i have experienced,but though i avoid it when at all possible(including spankings...sorry chat babes),i'm not afraid that i can't deal with it if i have to.. likewise death,i just have no great fear of it anymore.i don't think that it's due to my beliefs about what will happen after i die...i don't have any.sure,i was raised a j.w.,instilled from birth with the idea that if i didn't survive armageddon,that i'd be resurrected thereafter.but i don't buy that anymore...neccesarily.nor do i believe in the heaven or hell concept...neccesarily.i do believe that if i'm the best kind of person i can be,then it will have to be good enough for whatever,if anything,lies beyond the life i'm living now.. in talking to others,though,i find very few(if any)people who don't have a pretty high degree of fear about has me wondering,and i'd appreciate your comments.. cowboy.
Your thoughts about death are perfectly natural. Even when i was just a little kid my mates and i used to joke about death all the time. We'd try and outdo each other with thinking up "famous last words" and stuff like that.
We'll be dead one day sweetheart but maybe it'll be the only time our souls meet lol.
cheers, unclebruce who spent much of his childhood shooting his friends with an imitation cowboy gun ;)
do you fear death?if so,do you fear it because of the pain that is likely to go along with it?or because of what will become of your soul(your self)after death?.
curiosly,i find that i no longer fear death.not that i want to die-i don't.but i wonder if this how i should feel.. i don't like pain,but i have a fairly high threshold of pain,i think.i'm sure there is much greater pain than what i have experienced,but though i avoid it when at all possible(including spankings...sorry chat babes),i'm not afraid that i can't deal with it if i have to.. likewise death,i just have no great fear of it anymore.i don't think that it's due to my beliefs about what will happen after i die...i don't have any.sure,i was raised a j.w.,instilled from birth with the idea that if i didn't survive armageddon,that i'd be resurrected thereafter.but i don't buy that anymore...neccesarily.nor do i believe in the heaven or hell concept...neccesarily.i do believe that if i'm the best kind of person i can be,then it will have to be good enough for whatever,if anything,lies beyond the life i'm living now.. in talking to others,though,i find very few(if any)people who don't have a pretty high degree of fear about has me wondering,and i'd appreciate your comments.. cowboy.
I was raised a witness but now think ones spirit, soul or whatever may well survive. I've long gotten over being freaked out by things the ignorant Brooklyn boys said about life and death, in fact if you check out Focus list of 1,000 Watchtower lies you'll think it safest to always believe the exact oppposite of anything ever put to print by them. How can one group of men be so wrong so consistantly is mind blowing.
This is all very flattering girls but the truth is my heart belongs to wasasister. If the patience of that gorgeous long suffering woman holds we may meet sometime this year and sail the unchartered sea of love.
I know this will come as a great blow but it's for the best (except for poor wasasister)
Now all of you stop having impure, lustful fantasies about me and go back to your boyfriends and lovers. Am I a prize to be bargained with like some exotic toyboy? Am I some pretty boy pinup to be printed on the ironing board covers of bored and frustrated housewives? Am I some egotistical male chauvinist riding the backlash against politically corrected new age guys? .. yeah well, maybe the last one .. ooo 'riding the backlash sounds good .. uhem.. where wasa i? .. oh yeah ..
that photo is a dud I tell ya! Don't get all hot and bothered over silly photos .. Hippikon stuffed it up .. i look much uglier than that .. just ask anybody! ... that's just the outside .. inside i'm even uglier .. i scratch my crotch when i think no ones looking .. i can't read a book without leaving coffee and vegemite stains on every second page .. i fart uncontrollably and blame the cat .. i've never slept on a waterbed or satin sheets in my life .. everything i know about love i learned from ancient chinese and indian texts .. i can't drink much beer, two or three pints and i wanna fall asleep .. my memory's shot .. my lifes a mess and so's my room .. i fart iuncontrollably and blame the cat .. oops i said that already .. told ya my memory's shot ..
yeah one, metatrons sooo up hiself! Everyone just recons he's way cool but he'll get his don't you worry .. people will soon see what a horrible piece of crud he really is .. thinks he's so righteous comming up with clever new posts everyday .. he'll produce a dud soon, you just wait and see if he doesn't!
here, for your amusement, an assortment of fundie nonsense gleaned from the wonderful wide web:.
everybody jesuit now:.
did you know that the "fruit of islam" is a jesuit group; jesse jackson is a jesuit; georgetown university is a jesuit military fortress; george bush junior and senior are jesuits; the nazis were jesuits?
LOL. .. those was almost as funny as Landover Baptist Ministries where Sister Taffy rages against tampons being the devils work etc... So what happens once i've stuffed my cat and cornered my demon?
I've seen your name up there in chat and am pleased you've posted your story. It's one of hope for all the other suffering women out there that they can break free, get an education and thier soul back. (reading about your dislocation from family is heartbreaking but hey .. these folks 'll give you more fun at xmas anyhow